Ebay messages alerts (Allerta do ebay no seu celular)

Have you ever lost an eBay auction because you forgot to bid in the last few hours or minutes like you had planned? eBay offers a paid service, but why pay 25 cents for alerts when you can use our service for free?

eAuctionAlerts is simple to use and no registration is required. Simply fill out the form below and we'll send you a free reminder to bid on your item before it ends. Stop losing auctions and stop paying for auction alerts at the same time with eAuctionAlerts.com!

View the website here.

PS: Queria ter essa funcionalidade no mercado livre! Você participa daquele leilão e nos últimos minutos antes de acabar o mesmo, você for avisado no seu celular e aí poder dar aquele lance final para adquirir o produto! Boa idéia!! =D

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