E a idéia já foi lançada...

Hehehe... fui só pensar na idéia e puft!

oa ela aí: Mobile Web Server Extensions- Windows Widgets.


Exatamente o que eu tinha falado. Widgets do yahoo que posso acessar informações do meu celular como:

(Retirado do blog Daily Mobile):

Battery widget:
Mobile battery status indicator.

Signal widget:
Signal strength indicator.

SMS widget:
SMS widget allows you to read and answer your messages from your desktop. The widget updates also the contact list regularly. If your eyes are tired then try out the text to speech feature (works only for SMS messages in English).

Phone Picture Frame widget:
See the Image Gallery of your phone on your desktop.

Call widget:
Instruct phone to call a number by Drag & drop any phone number on the Call widget. The contact book of the mobile is also uploaded to the widget or you can type in any phone number you like. Note that during a call the data connection between phone and PC is on hold except in case of 3G connection.

Mais informações como download e instruções para uso podem ser encontradas aqui.

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