Eventos já estão chegando no seu celular..

E eu nao disse que os eventos já estao aparecendo nas telinhas dos celulares??
Vejam essa noticia que eu li sobre o Down2Night.
Um programa que permite que voce receba noticias e escreva sobre os eventos que ocorrerao nos seus locais favoritos. Baladas, eventos tudo no seu celular. Esse serviço no momento está apenas funcionando em Seattle, EUA. Logo em breve haverá uma expansão.
O mais interessante, é o autor comentando no fim do post sobre opçoes de voto de baladas e poder de fazer subscriping, ou seja, voce poder se inscrever e receber noticias no seu aparelho sem voce precisar ir atrás.

Site: http://down2night.com/

The guys over at Synapse Life (a productivity suite) released today a new mobile nightlife service called Down2Night. Down2Night lets you use your cell phone to post and receive notices of events that are going on at your favorite local venues. Seattle is the first city covered by the service.

We covered Movoxx earlier, but their SMS service is for nightlife deals instead of coupons. Down2Night adds a web interface that lets you add events and chose the venues you want to receive updates from. Each night of the week you choose, Down2Night will send updates of the top voted event for each venue you’re subscribed to. The top event can be something listed by the venue’s owner, or even a big birthday bash being held that night. As the service grows, the most likely business model is the local advertising market. Everyone, though, is eager to get a hold of the elusive 18-35 crowd that makes up Down2Night’s target market.

So far the mobile components for services like Upcoming.org or Yelp haven’t begun to offer voting or subscriptions, but I suspect it won’t be long.

Fonte: MobileCrunch

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