COnteúdo do Celular Distribuído! Idéia!

interessante idéia...
Conteúdo gerado por usuários enviado pelo celular a e-mails e a outros aparelhos celulares.
Acho que principalmente o meio mais rápido de distribuir conteúdo seria um meio mais rápido de chegar a pessoa. E talvez esse caminho seria via e-mail. Afinal, hoje é dificil encontrar uma pessoa que não tenha uma conta de e-mail.
Um pequeno programinha que possa enviar conteúdo (imagens, videos, etc) para o celular ou email de uma pessoa é uma boa pedida.
Me baseei nessa notícia retirada do Mobile Crunch:

We’re no stranger to Veeker, the mobile multimedia messaging technology. A new version of Veeker, fittingly called Veeker 2.0 is able to have a beta launch next Monday.

Veeker 2.0 will enable users to create video, photo and TXT messages with their mobile phones, Web cams and digital cameras and almost instantly deliver these messages to friends’ phones or send via e-mail to Veeker accounts including profile pages and blogs. This new platform further will code and embed media from the phone to e-mail.

This sounds like an interesting option, but it will be interesting to see whether users can opt out of receiving these embedded messages. The last thing a cynic like me might want is more user generated content sent to me. Some of this stuff can be cool yes, but I don’t have friends that are that creative. Oh, they think they’re creative but they’re not.

Still for those imaginative types that enjoy sending and receiving this Veeker 2.0 could be onto something. Just as long as they don’t send it to my phone!

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